
Saturday, January 7, 2012

I just changed my domain name

    I want to apologize for any inconvenience this may cause for those following my blog or who have saved some of my projects to your favorites. 

     When I set up this blog page it was only a way for me, personally, to keep up with all of the projects I was making.  I still would like to go back and photograph, if possible, some of the projects I've made over the last 28 years and post some of those pictures.  So this blog page was like a sort of scrapbook for me.  So the title was just what I could come up with at the time I initially set it up.  Recently I've been wishing I had a nicer title.  I like all the catchy phrases I've seen on other blogs.  I wanted something catchy too, but that included more than just sewing as I have many hobbies that I try to include in this blog.  Nothing I could think of sounded just right till I noticed the tags that I sew into everything I make for our children.  "Made By Mama With Love".  So "By Mama With Love" just seemed the natural thing to change the blog name to.  


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