Poor Lenore, I feel like I've hardly sewn her anything.
My mom has recently brought a lot of clothes to the girls when she visits.
This is a blessing.
And it has helped me be able to sew something for Lenore instead of focusing on making summer clothes for Kai. Lenore needs things because she doesn't have hand-me-downs to pull from.
We thought we were done having kids, and she has been a little surprise blessing.
By the way, have you any idea how hard it is to take pictures of a 6 month old modeling an outfit?
Most of the pictures turned out blurry. The best pictures were taken AFTER my precious model spit-up on her new outfit.
I just finished it, and want to be sure to get it in by the deadline for Project Run and Play.
They said we have until May 22nd. Since I'm not sure if they mean by midnight tonight or on the 22nd, Eastern Time Zone or some other, I'm putting this post together quickly with the pictures I just took before putting her to bed for the night.
I guess I'm about to find out.
The project for this month was this cute little top by The Crafty Cupboard.

Isn't it sweet?
It wasn't sized for a 6 month old, but I was able to make it smaller with no problem.
I used cotton knit to make this outfit.
I just love flutter sleeves, and decided to do two on each side, since I knew I'd be adding two ruffles around the whole thing.
My favorite feature just may be all the stars I sewed into the skirt of the dress.
It's called reverse applique.
I drew some stars onto the white knit, cut them out and then sewed it to the wrong side of my dress fabric. Then I trimmed around my star shape on the back. Finally, I cut out the dress fabric, inside the star shape on the front of the dress. Voila! Reverse applique!
My second favorite thing is the peek-a-boo back on the back of the dress with the ruffled bloomers showing through.
My third favorite thing is that it took 3 unwanted t-shirts to make this outfit.
My sister recently asked me if I wanted to go through a box of clothes she was taking to the local thrift store to donate. I scored several new looking t-shirts her husband didn't want. Love to upcycle!
I had a lot of fun making this outfit. Whew! It's getting more challenging to sew at this stage of her life. She got her first two teeth this week AND started crawling in the past two days. So I'm busy to say the least. But it sure is fun to sweat over. And now my sweet baby has a festive outfit to wear to this weekend's Memorial Day celebration.
One of the reasons I love participating in Project Run and Play is that it continually motivates me to push my creative envelope. I can tell I've gotten better at the little details since stumbling across PRP. I'm very thankful to get to be a part of sewing with all the ladies that participate with me.
I wish I had gotten my diaper bag finished in time. You can read about it here if you want to see what I came up with.