I had fun making some costumes this year.
First of all, Claire had taken a trip and spent some time in Amish country so she wanted an Amish costume. I told her what I had in the way of fabric and she worked out the rest.
I made her a bonnet and an apron. She loved her costume.
I didn't use a pattern for the apron.
For the bonnet I used this craft project tutorial. I just used fabric instead of paper, and hemmed the edges before I got started.
Day before Halloween came and we headed over to Walmart to let the kids pick something out. The kids had already picked out some costumes when I saw a Red Riding Hood costume and had an idea.
"Hey! How about Kai, you be Red Riding Hood & Delsin, you be the wolf...."
Daniel said, "I can be the lumber jack!"
"And I'll be Grandma!" I said.
But Delsin and Kai wanted to be their own things. (Wolverine and Cinderella) So, we went ahead and bought their store bought costumes and drove around the city looking for a wolf mask for Daniel. We decided to make him the wolf, me Red Ridding Hood, and Carolina Jane the basket of goodies. We didn't find any wolf items within budget, so we came home. I had a pattern for a lion costume I used with some grey fur fabric I had left over from the year we went as the three blind mice, and within 24 hours we had us a wolf costume, a Red Ridding Hood costume, and a Chocolate Eclair costume.
For the Wolf costume I used McCall's Costumes EASY TO SEW pattern. MP349.
For the Red Riding Hood cape I used McCall's Costumes Medieval Magic 6775. I can't find a link to the pattern information on their website, so I'm attaching a photo.
For Carolina Jane's Chocolate Eclair costume I only used a pattern for the hat. McCall's M6103. It was way too big, so I had to add a piece of elastic to the back before we rushed out the door.
I didn't use a pattern at all for the dress. I just cut two long pieces of rectangle from some brown crushed velvet I had on hand. I sewed the sides leaving an opening large enough to comfortably get her arms through. Then I sewed the top on the left and right, leaving a hole large enough for her head to get through
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